The FPS Showdown Contest is now closed for entries and is currently being judged. 


This is a contest sponsored by INSIGHT and independently judged by the r/arenafps moderators. Prizes will be given to the top three entries, and the best submissions will be made into a frag compilation video (including the winners). The goal is to create a frag compilation with some of the best frags from various players around the world, on a variety of games which have inspired or are similar to INSIGHT, in order to promote the project before the crowdfunding campaign launch.

If you would like to follow the competition and be emailed when the final compilation video is released, sign up to the INSIGHT newsletter: http://insightfps.com/#signup


Use the form below to submit the YouTube URL of your frag scene. Include your email address as you may be contacted about prizes or to request the full demo of the frags. Your in-game alias may also be used in the compilation video.

  • One submission per person
  • Only submit your own frag scene
  • Keep the original demo of the frags where possible, as you may be requested to submit it to check the validity (this is to avoid faked/cheated submissions)
  • No faked, cheated or otherwise set up frags, for any suspicious entries or potential winners the original demo will be requested
  • Frags from a competitive setting will be prioritised (EG. CSGO Matchmaker as opposed to a public server)
  • *Fast, interesting and unusual frags only (See below)
  • Join the INSIGHT newsletter to be notified when the competition has ended (not required)


Any first person shooters are accepted and hopefully there will be a variety of games, old and new, in the final compilation. The goal is to create a compilation of the best frags from various games which have inspired INSIGHT, or share similarities (such as any competitive arena FPS).

*Frags should be unique and interesting to watch, in a short space of time (under 20 seconds, ideally < 10). The frags can be skilful, lucky or a combination of both – what’s important is that they are interesting to watch.



You must upload your frag to YouTube with the following settings:

  • 1920×1080 resolution
  • 60FPS
  • No colour correction / editing in the main frag
  • Include ingame sound (no music)
  • You may include a 3rd person camera view after showing the frag
  • Main frag no longer than 20 seconds long
  • As high quality as possible, use a higher bitrate for better quality
  • Do not include any text / info / effect overlays
  • 1 frag scene per submission


1st place:

$75 +invite to the private INSIGHT discord 

2nd place:

$50 +invite to the private INSIGHT discord 

3rd place:

$25 +invite to the private INSIGHT discord 

The above are the prize amounts based on receiving over 20 valid submissions (see below for details). Winners will get access to unreleased videos, and occasionally playable builds of INSIGHT to help with testing.





The frags will be judged independently, and the ‘best’ frags will be subjectively chosen – prizes will be awarded to the top 3 entries, but many entries will be shown in the compilation video. If you submit frags that are set up, faked or cheated, or frags that you have not performed yourself you will be disqualified. If you are asked to send the original demo of the frag and you are not able to, you may be disqualified (this is to help prevent cheated / faked frags).

If less than 20 valid submissions are made the prize amounts will be halved. If there are less than 10 valid submissions there will be no prize money. 

There is no cost to enter the competition and the prize money can be paid via PayPal only (this does not need to be your main contact address, before sending the prize money to the winners you will be contacted and asked for a payment address).

